South Of Nowhere (Out In May 2025)
Colter Shaw races against the clock to save a flooding town from a full-fledged disaster, where the culprit lurks in plain sight.
Colter Shaw races against the clock to save a flooding town from a full-fledged disaster, where the culprit lurks in plain sight.
Meet Jeffery Deaver at the 36th Annual Literary Feast! LitLIVE!, free and open to the public, will take place on Friday, March 28, from 5:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. The ticketed fundraising event, A Night of Literary Feasts, will take place on Saturday, March 29, beginning at 5:30 p.m. For more information about each event, visit
Carmen Sanchez è un’agente dell’FBI che rispetta le regole, è ligia al distintivo e serve il Paese con coraggio e senso della giustizia. Ma quando sua sorella subisce un’aggressione da cui riesce a sfuggire per pura fortuna, Sanchez capisce di trovarsi davanti a un mostro inafferrabile, che non riuscirà a incastrare con un’indagine tradizionale. Il killer, infatti, oltre a essere spietato, è troppo bravo a nascondersi, troppo bravo a colpire al momento giusto, troppo abile a sfuggire alla polizia… E se lei vuole impedire che altro sangue venga versato nelle strade della California meridionale dovrà rinunciare ai protocolli e tentare il tutto per tutto.
If you’re a fan of Justin Hartley’s Colter Shaw and Tracker, you’ll be happy to learn that CBS has already renewed the show for season 3.
Tracker follows Colter Shaw, a reward seeker and expert tracker, who works on his own to aid in various criminal cases. The show also delves into his mysterious background about his family.
Special Agent Constant Marlowe is in pursuit of “Mr. X,” a key player in organized crime. Her mission is to collar him and flip him into a cooperating witness. The only problem? Marlowe doesn’t know who he is or even what he looks like. It doesn’t help that the trail has led her to a farming community in the nether land of Downstate, those stretches of Illinois where endless fields of late-season corn block the truth . . . and any sign of coming threat.
Available now on Kindle and Audible.